Genève - Tignes

Que faire


Alpy Transfers Services PARTAGES & PRIVES vers TIGNES

Durée estimée

2h 45m

Shared From

Private & Shared


AlpyTransfers, la récente fusion d'Alpybus, Chamexpress et GVA Transfers, vous invite à explorer les points forts des Alpes françaises, suisses et italiennes. Faites l'expérience d'un transport sûr et durable à des prix très compétitifs. Réservez à l'avance et profitez de nos offres.

Que faire

Genève est également le berceau de la haute horlogerie, avec des musées consacrés à l'art du temps. La qualité de vie se reflète dans ses restaurants gastronomiques et ses hôtels de luxe, créant une expérience qui mêle luxe et maîtrise horlogère.

Tignes, destination de ski réputée, séduit par son vaste domaine skiable et son ski sur glacier. En hiver, c'est un paradis pour les skieurs et les snowboarders. L'été offre des aventures en plein air avec la randonnée, le VTT et le magnifique lac de Tignes qui ajoute à son attrait.

Voyage de Genève à Tignes


Transferts partagés

Il existe des services de navettes partagées entre l'aéroport de Genève et Tignes, où vous partagez le véhicule avec d'autres passagers allant dans la même direction. Les navettes partagées fonctionnent à heures fixes et peuvent être une bonne option si vous voyagez seul ou avec un petit groupe. Il s'agit d'une option économique, et vous pouvez réserver ces services en ligne à l'avance.

Door to Door Line

À la porte de votre logement


Transferts privés

Le choix d'un transport privé offre une expérience plus exclusive, plus pratique et mieux adaptée à vos besoins individuels ou à ceux de votre groupe, rendant votre voyage de l'aéroport de Genève à Tignes plus agréable et plus efficace. Vous avez la liberté de personnaliser l'itinéraire en fonction de vos besoins et de vos préférences, ce qui est particulièrement utile en cas de changement de dernière minute.




 Arrivals from Geneva

For your transfer from Geneva Airport we will assign you to the earliest transfer an hour after your flight arrival to allow you to pass through passport control and collect your luggage. Upon booking your transfer you will be given an ESTIMATED time of your transfer. This time will be confirmed to you the day before travel.

At the busy times of the season your transfer from the airport might be done from a coach, then with the final part of your transfer being done by a shuttle bus to take you to your final destination.


 Travelling with a standard ticket?

If you miss your transfer, you can be assigned to the next available transfer by paying the "Rescue fee".


 Departures from Chamonix

For your pick up from Chamonix you will be given an ESTIMATED time of pick up at the point of booking based on the flight time you give. This will be confirmed the morning before travel and could be adjusted. We pick up from several locations for each transfer, so your pick up time will be adjusted depending on where you are in the order of pick ups. We endeavour to get you to the airport 2 hours before your flight.

As with departures at the busy times of the season your transfer could be on a coach from resort. We will still pick you up from your address in a shuttle bus and take you to the coach.

This is a pre-booked service. So it will only pick-up and drop-off at these points if they have been booked. It is also run in conjunction with our door-to-door service, so there may be other drop offs/pick ups besides the ones mentioned above.


 Discover our fixed timetable

Since the 1st of February, we offer the possibility to choose the time of your transfers to your favourite destinations: Chamonix, Morzine, Mégève, Val Thorens, Tignes & Verbier. 


 Your transfer might be operated in a coach

We know some of you are not big fans of travelling in a coach. However, to offer the best service to each of our passengers and avoid long hours of waiting at the airport, it is the best solution. Mountains are great but let's be honest the narrow roads aren't always accessible by coach. To face this problem, we put at your disposal a "feeder," a mini-van that will take you straight to your door.

Plus they are environmentally friendly. Coaches are among the cleanest, greenest vehicles on our roads, with average carbon dioxide emissions per passenger per journey being around 5 times lower than air travel and 6 times lower than car travel.

Baby seats are not mandatory in coaches in France and Switzerland.

We know some of you are not big fans of travelling in a coach. However, to offer the best service to each of our passengers and avoid long hours of waiting at the airport, it is the best solution. Mountains are great but let's be honest the narrow roads aren't always accessible by coach. To face this problem, we put at your disposal a "feeder," a mini-van that will take you straight to your door.